About Us


Brandon Carmichael was born in Erie, PA. He spent his early years in the Scranton, PA area. Brandon was saved while attending Vacation Bible School at his church outside Scranton, Grace Bible Church. His teacher was presenting the gospel and Brandon understood the necessity of personally trusting Christ for his salvation. He was baptized into the church two years later. Growing up, he was strongly influenced by his youth leader, Randy, to be involved in local church ministry.

Brandon graduated in 2003 from Sherman Central School, planning to make a career in the IT world because of his interest in computers. He began to attend Pensacola Christian College in the Fall of 2003.

That year, his family was undergoing major changes and moved from New York to Winston-Salem, NC. When settled in North Carolina, Brandon met Emily Milroy at church. She was a freshman at Piedmont Baptist College. Brandon wanted to complete his college education, but was becoming convinced God wanted him in full-time ministry. Because of this, Brandon transferred to Piedmont Baptist College.

While at Piedmont, God continued to direct Brandon, making it clear that He wanted Brandon to be in full-time missions. During the summer of 2007 Brandon spent six weeks in Brazil on his Missionary Apprentice trip. It was while there that he became convinced that God was directing him to ministry in Brazil.


Emily was born and raised in Maine, the fourth of five children. Her father pastored a church there for fifteen years before moving to New York when Emily was eleven years old. She was saved at age five one night after a special meeting at her church. That night while in bed, her sister explained to her about Heaven and Hell; Emily realized that she was going to spend eternity away from God in her current condition. Getting out of bed, she found her father who explained to her how she could accept Christ as her Savior. She was baptized at age eleven and became a member of the local church. Seeing her father’s work in the ministry and dedication to and love for Christ taught Emily that nothing in life is greater than living life for God. During a missions conference when she was thirteen she became burdened to spend her life in full-time missions. Where she would go she did not know, but she was willing to go wherever God wanted her. As a teenager she went on her first missions trip to New York City.

After finishing high school, she attended Piedmont where she finished a bachelor’s degree in Bible with a missions concentration. While Brandon was in Brazil on his MAP trip, Emily was in South Africa working with a missionary couple.  There she learned many practical things about being a missionary and what it entails. Through various circumstances, including her fiancé, it became clear that she was to work among Brazilians.

The summer of 2008, Brandon and Emily got married, and that same summer they served together in a camp ministry in Ohio. Brandon and Emily have also had the opportunity to be involved in discipleship and children’s ministries within their local church.

We are members of Victory Baptist Church in Albion NY. We were joined by our daughter, Chloe in 2014.