Our Mission Field

With about 2.5 million people, Belém is the capital city of the State of Pará, and one of the largest cities in Brazil. It is a city located just slightly south of the equator, in the midst of a tropical rain forest. It is this city to which God has brought us.

Our mission, first and foremost, is to point people to our amazing Savior, Jesus Christ.  We cannot, however, share the Gospel without also establishing Bible-believing churches.  In Acts 2 we see that “the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”  Church planting is an integral part of the Great Commission.

Indigenous church leadership is essential in church planting missions and it begins at inception. It is our desire, as we begin independent Baptist churches, to do so partnered with Brazilian pastors. It is not, however, our intention to just start churches.  We are passionate about training the next generation of leadership to take over the pastoral and church-planting needs in Brazil.

While the regions of Southern Brazil have been well-engaged with the Gospel, Northern Brazil remains a wide-open mission field. Because of the difficulties of the climate and culture, there are still many Gospel needs in Northern Brazil.

God has led us to partner with a Brazilian national, Rubens Silva, with whom we are re-opening a Bible college in the city of Belém, as well as church planting. It is our desire to see Seminário Batista Regular do Norte (Regular Baptist Seminary of the North) grow into an effective tool used by the Lord to train young men for the ministry in Northern Brazil.